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Vortex Restaurant Equipment

Vancouver Restaurant Equipment & Supply

    Commercial Panini Press Maintenance

    11 Mar, 2022

    Commercial Panini Press Maintenance

    A panini is a simply delightful type of sandwich that is grilled to perfection in a specially made press. They are fantastic sandwiches, and most people would agree that making a panini can be fun and easy. Unfortunately, cleaning up after someone who’s been making paninis all day can be a real hassle. With all that melted on cheese left on the grill, cleanup can be difficult. While it is important to make sure the grill is thoroughly cleaned and scrubbed, anyone cleaning a panini press needs to be careful not to damage the non-stick surface. You also can’t use any heavy soaps or chemicals since they can seep into the grill surface and ruin your panini press. In order to make sure your restaurant’s panini press is thoroughly cleaned without damaging the grilling surface, we have some helpful tips on how to clean a restaurant panini press.

    Steam Cleaning Method

    A great way to ensure your non-stick surface remains damage free while you clean your panini press is to use steam. The heat from the grill can be used to generate heat which will create the cleansing steam. Simply turn on your grill to the lowest heat setting to get started. As the grill is heating up, soak a cloth or paper towel completely in clean water. Make sure the cloth is completely soaked, otherwise it can get burned. Once the cloth is soaked and the press is warm, place the wet cloth on the entire grill and close it for about five minutes. If you smell smoke at any time take the cloth off the panini press right away, otherwise let the steam work its magic and loosen any stains or stuck on food. After the five minutes is up, open the grill and remove the wet cloth. You can now turn off the grill, but don’t let it get too cool before you wipe it down with another cloth soaked in clean water.

    Baking Soda Solution

    Another great way to get your panini press sparkling clean without risking any damage to the non-stick surface is to use a simple solution made with baking soda and water. All you need to do is add about two tablespoons of baking soda to a half cup of warm water. This should create a runny substance that can be slowly poured onto the bottom panini grill. Once you pour the baking soda solution on the bottom grill, use a cloth to wipe the excess solution on the top grill plate. Once the grill has been wiped down and covered with the solution, let it sit for five to ten minutes. After the time is up, wipe down each individual groove on the grill with a wet cloth until it comes away clean.

    No matter which way you choose, each of these methods have been proven to be extremely effective in cleaning and maintaining even the most frequently used panini press.
